Role and Permission Management 🎭


Role and permission management is facilitated through CmAdmin, which dynamically creates Pundit policies. This tool allows us to manage permissions via an intuitive interface.


  • Create Role: Easily create any role needed for the application.

  • Manage Permissions: View and modify all possible actions for each role, enabling or disabling permissions as necessary.


Adding Role and Permission Table

Run the following command to add the role and permission table:

rails g cm_admin:install_role

This Rake task generates a default migration.

Note: Ensure that you have the paper_trail gem installed before running the command.

Creating Role Column on User Table

To create a role column in the user table, execute:

rails g migration AddCmRoleToUser cm_role:references

Note: The column name must be cm_role_id, or the policy will fail.

Assigning Roles to Users

Currently, each user can be assigned only one role. To set the current request parameters:

  1. In app/models/current.rb, add request_params as an attribute.

  2. In app/controllers/concerns/authentication.rb, set the request parameters to help CmAdmin identify the action in the Pundit policy.

module Authentication
  extend ActiveSupport::Concern

  included do
    before_action :check_current_user
    before_action :set_params

  def set_params
    Current.request_params = params if params

  # Add other methods here

  1. Add belongs_to :cm_role, optional: true in the User model.

  2. Include CmRole in the config.included_models section of config/initializers/zcm_admin.rb.

  3. Assign cm_role_id to 1 for any user in the User Model, and use that user to log in.

Setting up scopes

By default, Full Access scopes is added to each permission item. To add additional scopes, use the following syntax:

““ruby … cm_admin do actions only: [] set_icon “fa fa-user” set_policy_scopes [‘test_supplier_filter’, display_name: ‘By Test Supplier’] cm_index do page_title ‘User’ end end

Overriding Policies

By default, roles and policies are enabled for all models in the application. To override a policy, use the following syntax:

cm_admin do
  actions only: []
  set_icon "fa fa-user"
  override_pundit_policy true
  cm_index do
    page_title 'User'

Then, create a policy file for the respective model, e.g., `app/policies/cm_admin/user_policy.rb`:

ruby class CmAdmin::UserPolicy < ApplicationPolicy def index? true end # Add other actions here end

This structure helps ensure that your application's role and permission management is both flexible and secure.

## Permission based fields

We can apply permission logic to display a field on the interface. You can do this with the following syntax.

ruby … tab :details, ” do row do cm_show_section ‘Details’ do field :status, field_type: :tag, tag_class: Item::STATUS_TAG_COLOR, display_if: -> (record) { scoped_model =, ::Item).resolve return scoped_model.find_by(id: } end end end

## Adding Default Redirect Path for a Role

- We can add default redirect path for a role via cm admin.
- need to add this on `routes.rb`.

ruby … root ‘cm_admin/static#index’

- Create a migration to add a column for default redirect path. (Will be automatically added in new apps)

ruby … add_column :cm_roles, :default_redirect_path, :string, default: “#CmAdmin::Engine.mount_path/users”
